Ensuring Compliance in Project and Portfolio Management Office

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In the realm of project and portfolio management office (PPMO), regulatory compliance is crucial to safeguarding against legal and financial risks. Effective compliance practices ensure that projects adhere to relevant laws and regulations, thereby protecting the organization. This briefing explores best practices for maintaining regulatory compliance in PPMO, supported by insights from industry leaders and compelling statistics.

The Importance of Compliance in PPMO

Compliance in PPMO is essential for mitigating risks and avoiding penalties. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), adhering to established standards helps organizations maintain quality and consistency in their projects, which is vital for long-term success.

Best Practices for Compliance in PPMO

1. Stay Updated with Regulatory Changes

Regulatory landscapes are constantly evolving. It is essential for PPMOs to stay abreast of these changes and update their compliance protocols accordingly. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provides guidelines and standards that can help organizations maintain compliance.

2. Conduct Regular Compliance Audits

Regular compliance audits ensure that projects adhere to relevant laws and regulations. These audits can identify potential risks and areas for improvement. Deloitte reports that organizations conducting frequent compliance audits reduce compliance costs by 22% (Deloitte, Compliance Trends Survey 2020).

3. Train and Educate Project Teams

Ensuring that project teams are well-versed in compliance requirements is vital. Regular training sessions and workshops can help teams understand their responsibilities and stay compliant. According to PwC, companies with comprehensive compliance training programs are 40% less likely to experience compliance violations (PwC, State of Compliance Study).


Maintaining regulatory compliance in a PPMO is essential for organizational resilience and success. By staying updated with regulatory changes, conducting regular compliance audits, and training project teams, organizations can ensure adherence to compliance standards. These best practices help mitigate risks, avoid penalties, and enhance the overall effectiveness of project and portfolio management.


  • ISO | Guidelines and Standards.
  • Deloitte | Compliance Trends Survey 2020.
  • PwC | State of Compliance Study.