Cost Calculations for Establishing and Operating a High-Performing PPMO

PPMO cost example

Creating and sustaining a highly effective Project Portfolio Management Office (PPMO) involves a significant investment of resources and time. Building and maturing a PPMO that excels in Project and Portfolio Management (PPM), Project Management Office (PMO), and Project and Program Delivery (PPD) demands a comprehensive understanding of the various costs involved. This article delves into the PPMO cost calculations for initial setup, ongoing operational expenses, staffing requirements, technology investments, training needs, and other relevant expenditures necessary to establish and sustain a high performance PPMO.

Initial Setup Costs

  1. Staff Hiring Costs: The foundation of a successful PPMO begins with hiring the right talent. This includes project managers, portfolio managers, and support staff. According to PMI’s 2020 Pulse of the Profession report, organizations with mature PPMOs spend approximately 25-30% of their initial budget on staffing.
  2. Process Development and Documentation: Establishing standardized processes and documentation is critical. This phase involves defining workflows, creating templates, and developing governance structures. It is estimated that this can account for 10-15% of the initial setup costs.
  3. Initial Software Tool Costs: Investment in project and portfolio management tools is crucial for efficiency. Tools like MS Project, JIRA, and PPM-specific software can range significantly in price. Initial licensing and implementation can consume 15-20% of the startup budget.
  4. Project Manager and Stakeholder Training: Training ensures that all stakeholders understand PPMO processes and tools. According to Gartner, training costs can constitute 5-10% of the initial budget.

Ongoing Operational Expenses

  1. Staff Annual Salary Expenses: Salaries for the PPMO team form the bulk of ongoing costs. Glassdoor reports that senior project managers in the US earn an average salary of $120,000 annually, while portfolio managers can earn upwards of $150,000.
  2. Continuing Education Costs: To maintain a high-performing team, continuous professional development is essential. This includes certifications, workshops, and seminars, which can take up 5-10% of the annual budget.
  3. Project and Portfolio Management Software Tools: Annual licenses, maintenance fees, and subscriptions for software tools represent a significant recurring cost. These expenses can vary but generally account for 10-15% of the annual budget.
  4. Maintenance, Upgrades, and Improvements: As the PPMO evolves, ongoing investments in process improvements, software upgrades, and system maintenance are necessary. These costs can represent 5-10% of the annual budget.

Staffing Requirements

Establishing a mature PPMO requires a balanced mix of skills and experience. Key roles include:

  • PPMO Director: Responsible for overall governance and strategic alignment.
  • Portfolio Managers: Oversee the portfolio of projects, ensuring alignment with organizational goals.
  • Project Managers: Manage individual projects within the portfolio.
  • Support Staff: Provide administrative and technical support.

Technology Investments

Technology is a cornerstone of an efficient PPMO. Investing in cutting-edge PPM software enables real-time insights, better resource allocation, and improved decision-making capabilities. Tools should support portfolio analytics, risk management, and performance reporting to maximize the impact of project investments.

When considering the financial aspects of setting up and maintaining a PPMO, a comprehensive approach is essential. Tools like the PPMO Startup and Maintenance Cost Calculator can be invaluable in estimating expenses related to staff hiring, process development, software tools, training, ongoing salaries, continuous education, and system improvements.


Establishing and maintaining a high-performing PPMO is a substantial investment, but it yields significant returns in terms of project success, strategic alignment, and organizational efficiency. By carefully considering initial setup costs, ongoing operational expenses, staffing requirements, and technology investments, businesses can ensure their PPMO is a powerful driver of value and success.


“2020 Pulse of the Profession” | Project Management Institute (PMI)
“How to Plan Your PPM Software Budget” | Gartner
“Senior Project Manager Salaries” | Glassdoor